
The Magic of Keeping Your Sense of Wonder

Posted by Kui April 11, 2023

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What would your life be like if you chose to look at the world with the innocence of a child, even if just for a minute each day...Savour only the good in everything for just 1 minute Every Day! Indulge into your sense of wonder about the most non conventional. The kind of indulgence they call "a waste of time" in the real world. The seemingly impractical.

Look with genuine curiosity into things whose answers are not clearly known to mankind... like the sound of heaven. They say heaven has colours unknown to us. That the water is fresh but sweet, just not sugar-sweet. What does this even mean? Lol! They say that heaven's music is undescribably incredible, the kind that sends shivers down your spine. That you move around by a motion in between flying and teleporting. 

Take just a moment each day to Indulge in your "craziest" most innocent imagination. A minute to tap into your child-like wonder. Because it never really leaves us by virtue of being adults. It just gets repressed by the worries and responsibilities of adulthood.

Like a child, be open to the unconventional, like trying to feel nature because maybe...just maybe...plants and rivers do speak; Just not in a language known to us.

But then again, maybe you could hear them, if only you rid your mind of all the noise, all the expectations laid on you, all your responsibilities and obligations... just for a moment. Besides, when you die, there won't be anybody to go back and handle them and guess what? That won't stop the world from going round.

See, there's so much more than meets the eye. Like that person who barely talks to anyone in the neighborhood, seemingly hopeless and dead inside. She once had hopes and dreams. That psychopath who is out there terrorizing human beings and animals, he once hoped dreamt of beautiful things...and did beautiful things.

See, a babe can afford to smile during adversity, just as long as it's in it's mother's arms. Children are happy and content, even when they live in the poorest part of town, as long as they're not hungry or sick, and they know that their parents would move heaven and  earth to save them from monsters.

And even then, the hungry, sick, and abandoned are quick to travel into the beautiful little things when the chance arises. Could be triggered by that rare plate of food, a good story for the sick one, or a hug and walk through the park for those whose parents are nowhere to be found.

Even though you might be the one they look up to during adversity, try and get that 1-minute escape. Even though you grew up to realize that your parents are painfully imperfect, lean onto that which created you. Because no matter how old you get, your need for parents never ever goes away. That need to lean onto something or someone better than you. Someone greater than you. Someone who has your best interests at heart. Someone who's eagerly waiting for you to go home, to lift you in their arms and present you with a warm meal after a long day of playing and exploring. And by playing I mean doing life on earth. We all need that someone. 

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