Funny Mob of Muslims Attack British Man for saying Aisha is 9

By Butterfly! November 24, 2023
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Funny Mob of Muslims Attack British Man for saying Aisha is 9 Islam is a beautiful religion, however racists stereotype its beautiful knowledge to one group. I plan to fight stereotypes, proving anyone can accept the wonderful, beautiful religion of Islam, sent by Allah himself (God) through his messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This is my revert (convert) story, on how I found my way into the loving arms of Allah. Please like, comment and subscribe to help me on my journey of becoming a strong Muslim man, Inshallah. Twitter = HumbleReve94906 Tiktok = humblerevert Humble Revert / Humblerevert #reverts #revert #revertmuslim #revertmuslimah #convert #convertmuslim #islam #islamic #dawah
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