Pip | A Short Animated Film by Southeastern Guide Dogs

By Shari May 30, 2021
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Dog’s heroics will make you cry! Donate at https://www.guidedogs.org/pip Click here for the audio description for the visually impaired: https://youtu.be/KqANNQDgkAc “Pip” animated short film presented by Southeastern Guide Dogs -- A heartwarming tale for underdogs everywhere, Pip is the story of a small dog with a big dream—to become a Southeastern Guide Dog. Does she have what it takes? Share the link: https://www.PipFilm.com Tag us on Facebook: @SoutheasternGuideDogs Tag us on Twitter and Instagram: @SEGuideDogs Include the Hashtags: #Pip #PipFilm #SEGuideDogs #SoutheasternGuideDogs Find out more at: https://www.GuideDogs.org Film made possible by Gary and Melody Johnson.
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