Recent Entries

  • by MoonwalkerJacki December 29, 2021
    I'm so happy to post this new poem written by one of JE's talented members! One of the things I LOVE about JE- being here stirs love and creativity in people! It's a welcome awakening, as we need such beautiful things in our lives. To our anonymous poet, thank you so much for sharing this with ...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki August 20, 2021
    I had a friend named Wally.  He was a former mayor of the city I live in and he, unlike me(!), was a very wealthy man.  He used his wealth and wisdom to make great improvements to the community, especially for the less fortunate.  We were making BIG plans to partner together, but a f...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki July 18, 2021
    Unspoken Poetry- Kindled Hearts, Butterflies, Elephants, and Monkeys I often share words that rhyme and thoughts that have feelings...sometimes you can sense the rhythm, and other times, probably not! Just to note, I did not write this first poem and I do not know who the author is.  I did wri...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki July 10, 2021
    The Long and Winding Road... With a holiday approaching, my older brother sent this video to me. He's a life-long Beatles fan, but as soon as I heard the first line in the song, "Once there was a way to get back homeward", I knew that he didn't send it for entertainment purposes. It's a medley of "...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki July 2, 2021
    About Guardian Angels... In mid-May of 2002, I dealing with a deep depression. I was very lonely and suicidal. I was desperate to find and experience true love. I prayed earnestly for one of the few times in my life and I said, "God, if you are real, please help me." Suddenly, an angel appeared at...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki June 29, 2021
    Hey, Hey, Hey! I've been wanting to share it for a few days...I don't watch many movies, but this one kept popping up as a recommended video on Youtube recently, so I watched it. It's from 2004 and is based on a cartoon series.  There's a cute storyline and there's also a great scene at the ...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki June 29, 2021
    Michael Jackson- A Poem and A Song, "If I Could Be Where You Are" When our time here is over and We unite as the family of LOVE, I believe we will all see MichaelIn the that great land above. No one will approach him as a "fanatic", but Only as ones who adore and he will have nothing to fear... Pe...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki May 26, 2021
    A Dream- "An Embrace that Never Ends..." It's taken me quite some time to feel comfortable sharing this.  It's kinda long, but hope you enjoy reading it... I grew up listening to Michael Jackson's music as a pre-teen and teenager in the 1980's. I always liked his music, but I was never part o...
  • by MoonwalkerJacki May 20, 2021
    A King's Lament- Jacob's Dream by Jason Upton God's Song to Jacob...whether you're building or fighting, don't miss knowing God. Lyrics- Jacob really longed to be a heroAll I really wanted was a friendI'm the way, the life, the truth So, tell Me Jacob when will the lying end?And does the striv...